Her Excellency, The First Lady of Namibia, Mrs Monica Geingos: Beyond barriers – opportunities for women in positions of influence

The Africa Hub of the Commonwealth Lawyers Association was honoured to host the First Lady of Namibia, Her Excellency Mrs Monica Geingos, who gave the second presentation in the Hub’s continuing public lecture series.

A clarion call for change, with gender equality at the centre of the debate, Mrs Geingos gave a candid, powerful and eloquent voice to her subject of “Beyond barriers – opportunities for women in positions of influence”.

Mrs Geingos spoke about the need for acceptance of women who do not conform to societal norms, the importance of male allies to support women in the drive for gender equality and the challenge of self-censorship for women to overcome. The presentation was a rallying call to the audience to collectively fight oppression in all its forms with lawyers being uniquely positioned to take up the baton.

Mrs Geingos’ urged us to open the Overton window and let the fresh air in, to remove shame and insults from our collective tool boxes and to work to create better labour laws and friendlier workplace which understand the unique challenges for women. The discourse had resonance for us all, irrespective of gender or geography and provoked a wide ranging debate in the question and answer session which followed the presentation.

The Africa Hub extends its gratitude to Mrs Genigos for her time, eloquence and commitment to the lecture.


Please follow the link to see the presentation in full

Read Mrs Geingos’ bio.

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