PCCA Charges Newly Appointed Customary Courts Chairmen, Members to Uphold Oath Of Office

The President of the Customary Court of Appeal, Honourable Justice Patience Elumeze, yesterday in Asaba, charged the newly appointed chairmen and members of Area and District Customary Courts, during a swearing-in ceremony, to uphold the ethics of the judicial profession, even as she enjoined them to be guided by the oath of office subscribed to.

“Let the oath of office which you have subscribed to today be a guide in the performance of your duties.

“I hereby charge you to endeavor to uphold the ethics of the judiciary profession by being punctual, honest, fair, and judicious in your actions,” she advised.

The President explained that the appointments became necessary in order to fill the vacancies that arose in newly established courts and those that arose in some already existing courts due to deaths, non-renewal of appointment of those who have served out their tenure, and retirement of pensionable officers.

She encouraged chairmen of the courts to listen to the opinions of members when it related to customary issues in their area of respective jurisdictions even as she reminded members that their role was advisory.

While warning that sanctions would be meted on any act of indiscipline, the Customary Court President urged the appointees to arm themselves with copies of the Delta State Customary Court Law and Rules as well as applicable rules of procedure in order to be acquainted with jurisdictions and powers of the courts.

Justice Elumeze appreciated Governor Ifeanyi of Delta State, for approving the establishment of new Area and District courts for the Delta State Customary Court of Appeal stressed that the administration was irrevocably committed to capacity building of its employees.

Responding on behalf of colleagues, Ohwoesiri Irikete thanked the President of the Customary Court of Appeal for finding them worthy to serve in their capacities of dispensing justice at the grassroots.

He promised that they would carry their judicial duties with the fear of Almighty God and diligence, saying that they would not allow themselves to be compromised by anybody.

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